SAT Sentence Completion英语选择题

时间:2020-11-23 20:00:25 SAT 我要投稿

SAT Sentence Completion英语选择题

  1. The peasants were the least ____ of all people, bound by tradition and ____ by superstitions.

SAT Sentence Completion英语选择题

  A. free - fettered

  B. enfranchised - rejected

  C. enthralled - tied

  D. pinioned - limited

  E. conventional - encumbered

  2. Many people at that time believed that spices help preserve food; however, Hall found that many marketed spices were ____ bacteria, moulds and yeasts.

  A. devoid of

  B. teeming with

  C. improved by

  D. destroyed by

  E. active against

  3. If there is nothing to absorb the energy of sound waves, they travel on ____ , but their intensity ____ as they travel further from their source.

  A. erratically - mitigates

  B. eternally - alleviates

  C. forever - increases

  D. steadily - stabilizes

  E. indefinitely - diminishes

  4. The two artists differed markedly in their temperaments; Palmer was reserved and courteous, Frazer ____ and boastful.

  A. phlegmatic

  B. choleric

  C. constrained

  D. tractable

  E. stoic

【SAT Sentence Completion英语选择题】相关文章:

1.SAT Sentence Completion练习题

2.Sentence Completion训练SAT备考习题

3.SAT官方指南Senctence Completion的练习题




