新视野大学英语4 Unit3 SectionA 单词

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新视野大学英语4 Unit3 SectionA 单词

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新视野大学英语4 Unit3 SectionA 单词

  新视野大学英语4 Unit3 SectionA 单词1

  new words

  rectangular [rktɡjl]

  a. having a shape with four straight sides, two of which are usu. longer than the other two, and four 90° angles at the corners 长方形的;矩形的

  reshuffle [rifl]

  vt. 1 put in a new order; rearrange 重新安排

  2 change the jobs or responsibilities of the people in a particular group or organization (机构或组织内)人事调整,改组

  disperse [dsp:rs]

  v. 1 spread or make things spread in different directions over a wide area 传播;散发

  2 go or cause to go in different directions (使)分散;驱散

  exquisite [kskwzt]

  a. extremely beautiful and delicate 精致的;精美的

  stockholder [stɑ:khold(r)]

  n. sb. who owns stocks in a business 股票(证券)持有人;股东

  deduce [ddu:s]

  vt. know sth. as a result of considering the information or evidence that you have 推断;推理

  clan [kln]

  n. a large group of families that often share the same name 家族;宗族;氏族

  juvenile [du:vnl]

  n. 1 a young person 少年

  2 a young person who has committed a crime or is accused of committing a crime 少年犯

  a. relating to young people who have committed a crime or who are accused of a crime 少年犯的

  invalid [nvld]

  n. a person made weak or disabled by illness or injury 病弱者;伤残者

  a. 1 ill or injured, esp. permanently 久病的;残疾的;(尤指)永久残疾的

  2 not legally effective (法律上)无效的,作废的

  alloy [l]

  n. a metal that is made by combining two or more metals 合金

  skyline [skalan]

  n. the shape made by buildings or mountains against the sky (建筑物或群山在天空映衬下)轮廓(线),天际线

  terrain [tren]

  n. an area of land, usu. one that has a particular physical feature (常指带有独特地貌的)地带,地形,地势

  radar [redɑr]

  n. a system that uses radio signals for finding the exact position of sth. e.g. an aircraft or ship 雷达

  navigation [nvɡen]

  n. 1 the skill of choosing a path so that a ship, plane, or car can go in a particular direction, esp. by using maps or instruments 领航术;导航术;航海术

  2 the movement of a ship or an aircraft along planed path 航海;航空;航行

  revive [rvav]

  v. 1 become or make sth. become active, successful, or popular again (使)复兴;(使)重新流行

  2 make sb. become conscious or alive again (使)苏醒;(使)复活

  alumnus [lmns]

  n. sb. who was a student at a particular school,college,or university 校友

  administrate [d'mnstret]

  vt. manage and be responsible for the running of a business, organization, etc, 管理;掌管

  charter [tɑ:rt(r)]

  n. 1 the practice of paying money to a company to use their boats, aircraft,etc., or the boat, aircraft, etc. used in this way (船、飞机等的)包租;包租的船(飞机等)

  2 an official document describing the aims, rights, or principles of an organization 章程;

  3 a signed statement from a government or ruler which allows town, organization, or university to officially exist and have special rights (政府或统治者特许城镇、组织或大学存在并享有特权的)特许状,许可证

  vt. hire a boat, plane, or bus, esp. for the use by a group of people (尤指群体)包租(船、飞机、公共汽车)

  disrupt [dsrpt]

  vt. interrupt sth. and prevent it from continuing by creating a problem 中断;扰乱

  draft [drft]

  vt. write a plan, letter, report, etc. that will need to be changed before it is in its finished (计划、信件或绘画等的)草稿,草案

  prototype [prottap] n. the first form of sth. new, made before it is produced in large quantities 原型;雏形;样本

  region [ridn]

  n. a large area of land whose politics, geography or culture is different from other areas 地区;区域

  quantify [kwɑ:ntfa]

  vt. calculate the value of sth. and express it as a number or an amount 用数量表示;量化;测定…的数量

  elapse [lps]

  vi. pass or go by (时间)过去,流逝

  interim [ntrm]

  n. in the period of time between two events 在此期间

  a. intended to last or perform an activity only until sb. or sth. permanent or final is available 临时的;暂时的;过渡性的

  patriot [petrit,ɑt]

  n. sb. who has strong feelings of love, respect, and duty toward their country 爱国者

  fuse [fjuz]

  v. join together or make things join together to become a single thing (使)融合;(使)结合

  n. an object in electrical equipment yhat makes it stop working when there is too much electricity flowing through it 保险丝

  intermediary [ntrmi:dieri]

  a. situated, acting, or coming between 中间的;中介的

  n. sb. who talks to each of the people or trying to persuade them to agree with each other 中间人;调解人

  hub [hb]

  n. the central and most important part of an area, system, activity, etc., which all the other parts are connected to (地域、系统、活动等的)中心,枢纽

  streamline [strimlan]

  vt. 1 improve a business, organization, process,etc. by making it more modern or simple 精简(企业、组织、流程等)使效率更高

  2 design or make sth. with a smooth shape so that it will move more quickly through air or water 把…设计成流线型;把…做成流线型

  disjointed [dsdntd]

  a. lacking an orderly sequence or connection 不连贯的;不协调的;杂乱五丈的

  decentralize [disntrlaz]

  v. move parts of a government, organization, etc. from a central place to several different smaller ones (使)(政府、组织等的部门)分散

  decentralized [di:'sentrlazd]

  a. withdrawn from a center or place of concentration, esp. having power or function dispersed from a central to local authorities 分散的

  stab [stb]

  n. 1 an attempt to do sth., esp. when you have no experience of doing it (尤指没有经验时的')试图,尝试

  2 an act of pushing a knife or other sharp objects into sb. or sth. 刺;戳;捅;扎

  vt. push a knife or other sharp objects into sb. or sth. 刺;戳;捅

  frugality [fruɡlt]

  n. the quality of spending very little money and only on things that are really necessary 节俭;节约

  gasoline [ɡslin]

  n. a liquid obtained from petroleum, used mainly for producing power in the engines of cars, trucks, etc. 汽油

  precedent [prsdnt]

  n. 1 an action or official decision that can be used to give support to later actions or decisions (可援引的)先例,判例

  2 sth. of the same type that has happened or existed before 前例;先例

  dental [dntl]

  a. relating to teeth 牙齿的

  centralization [sentrla'zen]

  n. yhe act of giving control of country, organization or industry to one central group of people 集中;集权(化)

  fixture [fkst]

  n. 1 a thing or person that is always present and not likely to move or go away 固定物;固定成员

  2 a piece of furniture or equipment that is fixed inside a house or building and is sold as part of the house 固定家具或设备

  trappings [trpz]

  n. possessions that show sb. is rich, powerful, or important (表示财富、权力、重要性等的)财物,标志

  courier [kri]

  n. a person whose job is to deliver documents or parcels 信使

  forerunner [frrn]

  n. sb. or sth. shat existed before sth. similar that developed or came later 先驱;先导;前身

  sphere [sfr]

  n. 1 a particular area of interest, activity, work, etc. that is one of many parts of life (兴趣、活动、工作等的)范围,领域

  2 an object that is round like a ball 球体

  Phrases and expressions

  touch down

  land on the ground (飞机等)降落,着陆

  hold sb./sth. in high regard

  admire or respect sb./ sth. very much 敬重;尊敬

  pick on sb.

  keep treating sb. badly or ungairly, esp. by critizing them 找…的茬;与…过不去;(尤指)不公正地责备…

  be onto something

  have discovered or produces sth. new and interesting 发现新事物;制作出有趣的事物

  take/have/make a stab at (doing) sth.

  try to do sth. even though you not have the necessary skill or you have never done it before 试图(做)某事;尝试(做)某事

  boil down to sth.

  (be able to) be summarized as ath. (能)归结为…

  from time to time

  sometimes, but not often 有时;间或

  新视野大学英语4 Unit3 SectionA 单词2

  token 表示,标志,象征He did that as a ~ of good faith

  torture 拷打,拷问 ~ a confession from a prisoner

  accommodate 使适应,使符合一致 accommodate oneself to changed circumstances

  unfold 展开,打开 ~ a newspaper

  uniform 制服;不变的,相同的,均匀,统一的 a ~ temperature

  unify 使成一体,统一 become a unified nation

  更新,使现代化 ~a textbook

  upgrade 提高,使升级,改善 ~ products and services

  uphold 举起,高举 He upheld his clenched hand

  upright 挺直的,垂直的 an ~ seat

  adhere 黏附,附着 Paste is used to make one surface adhere to another.

  adjacent 临近的,毗邻的(to) a city and its adjacent suburbs

  adjoin 贴近,与...毗邻 His house adjoins the lake.

  thrust 推,刺,戳,插,挤He was ~ into power

  tick (钟声等发出的)滴答声

  tilt 使倾斜,使倾倒 Tilt your head back so that I can look down your throat

  toss 扔,抛,掷 The children tossed the ball to each other

  tough 坚韧的,牢固的 Some plastic are as ~ as metal

  tow 拖,拉,牵引 tow a damaged ship into port

  abstract 抽象的 A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract.

  absurd 荒谬的,荒唐的 The idea that number 14 brings bad luck is absurd.

  uproar 骚乱,骚动The public ~ over unclear-radiation hazards continues to mount

  utilize 利用 ~ solar energy

  utter 发出(声音等),说,吐露 ~ the truth

  vacant 未被占用的 a ~ seat in a bus

  vague 含糊的,不明确的,模糊的 a ~ answer

  slip 滑倒,滑落,滑行 She ~ed on the wet stones and fell

  slit 切开,撕开 ~ the envelope open

  slope 倾斜,有坡度 The ground ~s down sharply at this point

  sly 狡猾的,偷偷的 a ~answer

  smash 打碎,打破,摧毁 The ball ~ed the window

  snatch 夺得,一把抓住 The thief ~ed her handbag and ran off

  immune免除的,豁免的:Nobody is immune from criticism

  impact 冲击,撞击:the impact of light on the eye

  impair 削弱,减少:The output of produce was impaired by the bad weather

  impartial 公正的,无偏见的`:A judge should be impartial

  implement 工具,器具,用具:new types of farm implements

  sting刺,螫,叮 A bee stung him on the neck

  stir 使微动,移动 A breeze ~red my hair

  stitch 一针,针脚 Make your ~es closer together

  sue 控告,起诉 ~ sb for slander

  summary 总结,概要 This book has a ~ at the end of each chapter

  superb 极好的,一流的,杰出的 ~ science and engineering

  superficial 表面的 a ~resemblance

  superfluous过多的,剩余的,多余的a ~remark

  supervise 监督,管理,指导 ~ sb’s every move

  vanish 突然消失,逐渐消散 With a wave of his hand, the magician made the rabbit

  veil 面纱,面罩 Jewish women wore ~s in token of reverence and submission

  ventilate 使通风,使空气流通 ~ a room

  venture 冒险,冒险行动,投机行动take a ~ in oil

  uncover 揭开,揭露 ~ a dish of food

  underestimate 低估 ~ the difficulties of the task

  reassure v.使安心,使放心;使消除疑虑

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