
时间:2020-10-06 13:38:44 中考 我要投稿




  Unit 1 单词拓展

  1.defeat sb : beat sb -----win sth

  2.expert 专家------export 出口

  3.attend----be present at

  attend a meeting /attend to sb / attend class/attend school/ attend a lecture

  4. expose sthto sth ----sthbe exposed to sth

  5.dead adj.-----death n. -----die v.------deadly adj.

  6.cure sb of sth(illness) ------ treat sbfor (illness)

  7.outbreak : outburst n. ---- break out v.

  8.challege ----challenging 具有挑战性的----challenged

  9. absorb: take in/suck -----be absorbed in 专注于

  10. suspect : doubt /wonder----suspect sb of sth

  11.enquiry n. ------enquire v.

  12.neighbourhood 邻近------ neighbour 邻居

  13. severe : serious

  14. clue : tips ; plot 线索

  15. foresee : predict 预测

  16. investigate : survey ; research ; look into

  17. blame ----blame sbfor sth/doing sth---sb be to blame for ----scold sb for sth/doing sth

  18. pollute v.----pollution n. ----polluted adj.

  19. link sthto sth ----sthbe linked to sth ---- be connected / associated to (with)

  20. announce ----announcer ----announcement n.

  21. certainty n. -----certain adj.---certainly adv.

  22. responsible ----responsibility ----be responsible for

  23. instruct v.-------instructor n.指导员;教师-----instruction n. 命令;指示;教导;用法说明

  24. contribute to……促进;导致

  contribute …..to ……捐献;贡献

  make a contribution/ contributions to

  25. apart from : besides/in addition to; except/but

  26.set off fireworks 放鞭炮;放烟花

  27. chart : graph; diagram 图表;

  table ; form 表格

  28. creative adj.------create v.创造

  ------creation n.

  29. co-operative adj.------co-operate----co-operation n.

  30. positive adj. 积极的;肯定的;确实的

  反义词: negative消极的;否定的;负的;阴性的

  31.be strict with (in sth): be severe with

  32. revolution (n.) +ary = revolutionary adj.

  33. move +ment = movement n.

  34. make sense 讲得通;有意义

  make sense of 了解;理解;弄懂

  make no sense 毫无意义

  35.backward adj. /adv. -----forward adj. /adv.(反义词)

  upward adj. /adv.向上-------downward 向下

  36. private + ly = privately adv .

  37. spin: turn ; circle 旋转

  38. bright+ ly /ness /en

  39. enthusiastic adj. +ally (adv.)---enthusiasm (n.)

  40. cautious :careful

  41. reject : refuse v.

  42. universe n. ----universal adj.宇宙的;普遍的

  Unit 2 单词拓展记忆

  1.unite v.-----------united adj.-------union n.

  2.kingdom ------king 国王

  3.consist of : be made up of

  4.province 省-----city市-----county 县-----town 镇

  5.divide ….into…..: separate ….from….

  6.clarify : clear up ; illustrate 澄清;阐明

  7.accomplish: carryout , come true ,realize, perform,

  complete , fulfill, finish,achieve

  8.un +willing

  9.break away from:desert , quit 脱离,放弃

  10.to one’s credit: be worth praising 值得赞扬

  credit card 信用卡

  11. institution ------system

  institute 协会;学会;学院;机构

  12.educate ----education +al ----educator

  13.convenience -----convenient adj. 方便的

  14.rough : unsmooth ; crude ----rough+ly

  15. nation+al +ity / nationwide /worldwide

  16. attract ---ive / ion

  17.history ----historical

  18.architect 建造师 +ure 建筑学

  19. collect +ion

  20.administration -----administrator管理人;行政官

  21.port -----harbor 港口;海港

  22. country +side 乡下,农村----hometown 故乡,家乡

  23. enjoyable :pleasant, grateful , cheerful,pleasing

  24.opportunity: chance

  25.description n.-------describe v.

  26.furnish: equip; supply vt.提供;供应;装备

  -----furnished (adj.)-------furniture (n.家具)

  27.possibility n.-----possibleadj.------possibly adv.

  28. 加:and ,plus , added to

  减:minus, taken from

  乘:multiplied by / times

  除: divided by

  eg: 6 added to/taken from/multiplied by/ divided

  by 2 is/is equal to /equals 8/4/12/3

  29. quarrel: fight; argue;debate 争吵;争论;

  常用短语:quarrel/argue with sb about sth

  30.alike : similar adj. 相似的

  31.take the place of: take one’s place; replace;

  in place of 代替

  32.break down: out of order; It doesn’t work;

  go wrong 损坏;破坏;抛锚


  常用短语: arrange sth for sb. 为….筹备、安排

  34.fold 折叠-------unfold展开;打开

  35. sightseeing:tour ; travelling; visit 观光;游览

  常用短语:go sightseeing

  36.delight: joy; happiness; cheerfulness

  -----delighted adj.高兴的

  37.splendid: brilliant , excellent , wonderful ,

  famous 辉煌的;灿烂的;极好的;杰出的.

  38.longitude 经度;经线 易混:altitude 海拔高度

  39.communism 共产主义 socialism社会主义

  communist 共产主义者 socialist社会主义者

  40.oringin n. 起源;原点;出身;开端

  -----+al adj. 原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的

  41.thrill: excite 使激动 thrilled : excited

  42.error: wrong ; mistake; fault

  43. tense n. 时态 adj. 紧张的(nervous)

  voice n. 声音;语态

  Unit 3 单词拓展记忆

  1.Climate and weather affect every aspect of our lives. 方方面面

  2. impress sb with sth

  make/have/leave/give animpressionon sb

  -----impressive adj.

  3. take up writing 从事写作

  4. constantly: continuously

  5. previous -----former以前的,先前的---earlier早期的

  6. certain----uncertain /unsure

  7. guide A. lead 指引(v. );领导----guidance (n.)

  B. 导游(n.)

  8.tablet : pill

  9. surroundings: environment; circumstance

  10.tolerate : put up with; stand; bear

  n. tolerance / toleration

  11. combination :union ---------combine v.

  12. lack sth ---------bea lack of sth

  13. adjust ……to : make adjustments to

  14. press 压 -----pull拉------push

  pressure n. 压力

  15. fasten: tie ; attach 系;绑

  16. lose sight of ------catch sight of

  17. sweep up : clean ; broom

  18. flash 闪光-----flesh 肉 ------fresh 新鲜的

  19. switch A. 开关 B. 转换 trade/ exchange/shift

  20. timetable: schedule

  21. exhausted : tired

  exhaust v. 耗尽;使筋疲力尽

  22. slide into : slip into 溜进

  23. mud -----earth/dirt/soil muddy adj. 泥泞的

  24. desert n. 沙漠 v. 遗弃;放弃


  25. enormous : big / large/huge/giant/ vast/


  26.imitate :copy ;model 模仿

  27. citizen-----citizenship 公民身份

  28. type----typist ----typewriter type 打字 v.

  29. instant----instantly :immediately 立即;一…就

  30. efficient : effective efficiently 高效地

  31. dispose : arrange disposal : removal

  32. recycle v.再循环;再利用

  cycle v. 循环;骑单车

  33. representative adj. /n. ------represent v. 代表

  34. settlement ----settle-----settler

  35.motivation------motivate v. -----motivated adj

  Unit 4 单词拓展记忆

  1.journalist : reporter; newsman 记者

  2. involve sb in = sb be involved in


  involve him in a party 使他参加聚会

  beinvolved in acrime case 卷入犯罪案件

  3. edit ['edt] v. 编辑;校订

  ---editor编辑(人员)-----edition n.编辑

  4. photo=photograph照片----+y /er 摄影/摄影师

  5. assignment : task 任务;分配;作业;功课

  6.delighted: happy ; glad ; pleased ; cheerful 高兴


  6. admire v. 钦佩------admirable adj.令人钦佩的

  7. unusual: special ; particular; unique; distinct


  8. assist: aid/help-----assistance (n.)---assistant助


  assist sb with sth --------with the assistance of

  9. submit :hand in;present 递交;呈递

  10. profession: occupation职业;

  career;specialty 专业---------+al 职业的;


  11. colleague: workmate;coworker 同事;同僚

  12. eager:hungry , desired , anxious , sick ,



  ------be eager for sth渴望得到---be eager to do

  be eager / anxious / dying forsth

  = long / desire/ hunger forsth

  13. concentrate on: focus (attention ) on; put one’sheart into; be absorbed in全神贯注于

  14.v. 更新------updated adj. 更新的

  15. acquire:get /obtain / gain / achieve


  16.assess: evaluate 评估;评定

  17.inform: tell 告诉;通知

  inform sb. of/about sth. 通知某人某事

  =tell sbsth 告诉某人某事 (双宾结构)

  keep sb. informed of 使某人被告知


  19.meanwhile: at the same time

  20. depend on : rely on

  21.case : situation

  in this case------in that case

  21. accuse….of…: charge …..with

  22. deliberately: on purpose

  23. so as (not) to do: in order (not) to do

  24.deny: refuse deny doing 否认做过某事

  25. skeptical : suspicious ; doubtful


  26. be guilty about 对….感到愧疚

  27. in a dilemma处于进退两难的境地; 左右为难

  28. I demandthat he (should) go with me.

  29.pubish: come out; issue ;deliver;


  30.secition: edition; part; chapter(章;节)

  31. concise : brief

  32. imagine----imaginary adj. 虚构的,假想的;想像的;-----imaginative 富于想象的

  33.gifted : talented 有天赋的;有才能的

  34.crime犯罪------criminal 罪犯 ['krmn()l]

  commit a crime 犯罪

  35. the department store

  the English Department

  36. senior -----junior

  senior to 比…年长 senior high school 高中

  37.chief: leading ;main; major 主要的

  38.approve of 赞成-----approval n.

  39.in the process of 在…..过程中

  40. negative 消极的;否定的


  41.make an appointment with sb.

  Unit 5 单词拓展记忆

  1. aid : assist; help

  常用短语:aid sb with sth ------with the aid of

  2. temporary adj. 暂时的;临时的 n. 临时工

  常用词组:a temporary file 临时文件夹

  3. fall ill:fall sick 生病

  4.injury n. 损伤;伤害----injure v.-----injured adj.

  常用短语:get injured 受伤

  5.bleed vi. & vt. 流血 n.blood 血

  6.sprain vt. 扭伤 ----sprained adj. 扭伤的

  7. essential :elementary , fundamental , basic , necessary adj. 最重要的;不可缺少的;本质的

  8. barrier n. 屏障;障碍(物);隔阂

  常用词组:the language barrier

  9. poison /'pizn/ n. 毒药;毒害 vt. 毒害;使中毒

  ------poison+ous adj.有毒的

  10. variety n. 变化;多样(化);多变(性)

  常用词组:a variety of=varieties of =various

  11.liquid n. 液体 gas气体 solid 固态

  12. swell vi. & vt. (使)膨胀;隆起

  swollen /'swuln/ adj. 肿胀的

  mildly swollen 轻肿

  13.water----+y=watery adj. (似)水的

  14. nerve n. 神经;胆量 ---nervous adj.神经紧张的

  15. a pair of scissors n. (pl.) 一把剪刀

  16.unearable adj. 难以忍受的;不能容忍的

  bear(bore,born) v. 容忍;生育; n. 熊

  ----bearable adj.可以忍受的;可以容忍的

  17.a basin of water 一盘水

  18. squeeze out 榨出;挤出

  19.over and over again= over and over= again and again=time and again=repeatedly反复;多次

  20.in place 在适当的位置;适当的;准备好的

  21. infection n. 传染;传染病;感染----infect v.

  常用短语:get infected 得到感染

  22. vital:important;necessary; significant

  adj. 至关重要的;生死攸关的

  23.symptom: characteristic n. 症状;征兆

  24.damp: wet adj. 潮湿的

  25.blouse 女衬衫-----shirt 男衬衫(汗衫,内衣)

  26.tight:close; fast adj. 牢的;紧的;紧密的

  tightly adv. 紧地;牢牢地

  27.firm: ①steady adj. (动作)稳定有力的;坚定的 ②company;corporation n.公司

  firmly: steadily adv. 坚固地;稳定地

  28.ceremony n. 典礼;仪式;礼节

  常用词组:the opening ceremony开幕式

  29.bravery n. 勇敢;勇气-----brave adj.勇敢的----bravely adv.勇敢地

  30.a number of : some 若干;许多

  a large/great/good number of : many 许多

  a large amount of: a great deal of ; much 许多

  31.treat:cure vt. & vi. 治疗;对待;款待;

  处理(handle; deal with) n. 款待;招待

  32. apply vt. 涂;敷;搽;应用;运用 vi. 申请;请求;使用;有效

  常用短语:apply sth to....把...涂在/运用到

  apply for 申请(a job 求职;申请工作)

  33.pressure n. 压力;挤压;压迫(感)

  -----press v.压;按 n. 压;按;新闻;印刷

  34.make a(real) difference:play an important part/role 区别对待;有影响; 起(重要)作用










